Sunday, September 9, 2007

August 22, 2207 - The Big Move

August 22, 2007

I didn’t sleep at all last night! Okay, very little. After Christopher’s big day (rolling over…kinda), I decided that I wanted to stop swaddling him so that he could really get a good start at trying to roll from his back to his tummy. Tim put Christopher down to bed at about 11PM or so. Of course Chris woke up right away. I nursed him back to sleep for about 30 minutes, put him down, and he woke up about 15 minutes later. We pretty much played this game until 2:00 at which point I decided to swaddle the little guy. I thought this would make my night more sleep filled – I was wrong. We got to sleep from about 2:30 – 3:30 then it was up again for another feed. I ended up falling asleep for about an hour after Christopher napped (from 3:30-about 5pm). Put him down again, he woke up again. I finally gave up and nursed him in bed….UUGGGHHH!!!! I SO wanted to avoid doing that. Oh well, there’s always tonight!

**A couple more things to add this evening. First, I noticed today that Christopher is really playing with his hands a lot! I’m hoping this means he’s gaining control of his extremities. I think when I swaddle him tonight I’m going to try to swaddle him with his arms up by his head so that he can get a hold of those fingers if he wants them – you know the whole self-soothing thing.

Second, I’m not sure that I’ve already mentioned this (and I don’t really have time to check right now), but during the last couple of days I’ve noticed that Christopher really loves his swing now. This is a huge relief because before when we would put him in it he would just scream. Now he looks around and will even fall asleep if he’s really tired.

Third, I think we are going to attempt to put Christopher in his own room from now on. After last night, Tim is ready to have Chris out of our room. I’m a little more apprehensive, but I understand Tim’s reasoning. Don’t get me wrong, I KNOW Christopher will be fine, I guess it’s just that I want to be able to be at his side as soon as he starts crying. I want him to know that he can trust that I’ll be there. Tim thinks we should let him cry a little more, and this will make that happen. I mean, I’ve been pretty much picking him up as soon as I hear him start to rustle around so that he wouldn’t wake Tim. So I’ve moved his nightlight back into his room and I put the noise machine/CD player in there too. I’m going to have Tim go start the baby lullaby CD right before I put Christopher in his room (so that there is a steady noise) and then I’ll set the “thunderstorm sound” alarm for about 30-45 minutes later. This sound is the most similar to the sounds of the womb that I have. I really hope this goes well quickly, especially since Jay and Cindy are coming on Saturday night (it’s Wednesday night now) and will be sleeping in the room right across from him. I also really want it to go well because, well let’s be honest, I’d LOVE to get some good sleep on a regular basis. I’m hoping and praying that this will help Christopher sleep better, although I’m not sure about that. I tend to believe he usually wakes up because he’s trying to poop or has gas or because he is spitting up and he chokes on it. I had Tim put a blanket under the crib mattress to help incline him and reduce the spit-up factor. Wish us luck. God I just pray that I can stick with this until Christopher transitions into his own room. I think this will help us establish more of a routine (I’m still working on how I want that to go). It will definitely be nice to have our room back!! I’ll update sometime tomorrow to share how it went.

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